- Tuesday/Thursday mornings for 3's (9:30am - 12 noon)
- Monday/Wednesday/Friday full day 3's (9:30am - 3:30pm)
- Monday thru Friday full day for 3's (9:30am - 3:30 pm)
- Monday/ Wednesday/ Friday full day for 4's (9:00am - 3:00pm)
- Monday thru Friday full day for 4's (9:00am - 3:00pm)
- Full Day Kindergarten (8:00am - 2:00pm)
- First Grade (8:00am - 2:00pm)
- Two's & You program Wednesdays (10:00-12:00)
Before school and After school Care 7:30am - 5:30pm
Twos & You
Is a toddler time for a parent and child to have the first school experience together. It is a two hour class once a week for 16 weeks. We run a Wednesday morning class. The fall semester starts in September and runs through January and the spring semester starts in February and runs through June. Children may attend both semester. All children must be two by Dec. 1st.
3's Classes
Meet 2 mornings, or 3 or 5 full days a week. We teach with the ‘whole child’ approach, including all physical, emotional, social, spiritual and cognitive needs. Children are reached through a variety of teaching methods, especially a multi-sensory approach. The full-day class includes lunch and a 60 minute nap time. Children must be potty trained and three by Dec. 1st.
4's Classes
Meet 3 or 5 full days. Using a multi-sensory approach, in a group setting as well as one-on-one. all readiness skills are addressed. All physical, emotional, social, spiritual and cognitive needs are addressed in our ‘whole child’ approach. Music and Gym (Physical Education) are an integral part of the program. The full day classes include lunch and a ½ hour rest time as well as a cooperative learning center time in the afternoon. Children must be four by Dec. 1st.
Meets 5 full-days a week. The children are taught reading, language arts, writing, math, science and social studies in large, small and individual settings. Music, health, physical education, art and Spanish are taught on a weekly basis by ‘specials’ teachers. Sign language is incorporated through Bible scriptures and songs at our daily Bible time. The A Beka curriculum is used in conjunction with supplemental activities and materials. Science and Social Studies are theme-based and hands-on units, with experience and discovery in mind. Busing is provided through the local school districts. Children must be five by Dec. 1st
First Grade
Meets 5 full days a week. The children are taught reading, language arts, writing, math, science and social studies in small and individual settings. Music, health, physical education, art and Spanish are taught on a weekly basis by ‘specials’ teachers. Sign language is incorporated through Bible scriptures and songs at our daily Bible time. The A Beka curriculum is used for language arts and Everyday Mathematics (Chicago math) is used for math. Science and Social Studies are theme-based and multi-sensory units. Busing is provided through the local school districts.